Spay/Neuter Age

Why fix something that is not broken.

There is a lot of information on the internet. Some advise to spay/neuter at around 6 to 9 months, some before 6 months. Recently, due to many studies it is advised to wait until a dog is fully grown, 2 years old for large breeds and 18 months for smaller.

I am unclear why desex dogs at all without a medical reason. I do not need to read researches to know that dog’s body designed in a way that is not truly appreciated. Every organ dog has is there for a reason, same as a human body.

People do it because it is convenient( no mess with female in heat ) and out of misconception. We do not let our dogs wonder alone on the streets even though they are fixed and can not produce any puppies. So why would it would be different if we have intact dog? Because one of the reason people spay/neuter is unwanted pregnancy. Not sure why fix males. Females go in heat every 6 months in average, some once a year, so all is needed is to keep your female away from intact males twice a year for a few weeks.

I will not list risks and benefits of spaying /neutering dogs as I am no scientist or veterinarian. You can do your own research if the subject is novice to you and come to your own conclusion.

Links below are on health and behavior positive and negative side effects and misconception on the subject.